Join us for one, or all of our events in October, and watch for pop-up, virtual write-ins throughout the month:
IN-PERSON DCW Third Anniversary Party. Saturday, October 1, 2:30-5pm
ONLINE Accountability Check-In. Every other Sunday, starting October 2, 7-7:30pm
ONLINE Romance Roundtable. Tuesday, October 11, 6:30-8:30pm
ONLINE Nano Prep for Your Life. Tuesday, October 18, 6:30-7:30pm
ONLINE October Writing Contest (Submit by 10/16). Sunday, October 20, 7-8:00pm
ONLINE Writing Game Changers. Wednesday, October 26, 6:30-8:30pm
Check out our three anthologies, Broken Promises, Desiderium, and Dead of Winter, all published through Spark Street Media, and available for purchase on Amazon.
"There are too many writers who put third draft pressure on a first draft." ~Marlon James
*All times Eastern Standard Time*