Join us for one, or all of our exciting events in October:
Outlining Your Novel For Plotters or Pantsers. Saturday, October 3, 1:00pm
Story: Under Construction. Wednesday, October 7, 6-9pm
Story Hospital. Sunday, October 11, 3:00pm
Critique Intensive. Wendesday, October 14, 7-9pm
Story: Under Construction. Wednesday, October 21, 6-9pm
October Writing Contest. (Submit your story by 10/24) Tuesday, October 27, 7:00pm
NaNoWriMogeddon. Saturday, October 24th, 4pm
Our first anthology, Broken Promises, is finalized and tentatively slated for publication around the end of October 2020.
Announcing our latest anthology project: Covid Dreams. If you are interested in submitting, visit our Meetup page to join our group. Once you're a member, you can contact dublincreativewriters@gmail.com for details about how to participate.
*All times Eastern Standard Time*