Join us for any, or all of these amazing events in March:
IN PERSON Write-In. Saturday, March 5, 10am-1pm
ONLINE Accountability Check-In. Sunday, March 6, 7:00pm
ONLINE How to Take Feedback. Monday, March 7, 7-9pm
ONLINE Unreliable Narrators. Monday, March 14, 6:30-8:30pm
IN PERSON Critique Group. (Now closed) Saturday, March 19, 1-4pm
ONLINE Accountability Check-In. Sunday, March 20, 7:00pm
ONLINE Writing Contest. (Submit by 3/18) Tuesday, March 22, 7:30pm
IN PERSON Goal Setting for Camp NaNoWriMo. Saturday, March 26, 12:30-2:30pm
Our second anthology, Desiderium, is out! Published through Spark Street Media and available for purchase on Amazon
Our first anthology, Broken Promises, also published through Spark Street Media, is available for purchase on Amazon.
~Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic-J.K Rowling~
*All times Eastern Standard Time